Dr Radheshyam Chaudhari


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Most men suffer from prostate problems and they are not aware of it but it’s important to be aware of the risks and conditions associated with prostrate. Let’s understand about problems associated with prostate

Benign prostate hyperplasia(BPH):

It is an enlargement of the prostate gland and is common in old age. Only half of the men with BPH symptoms seek treatment and it does not lead to prostate cancer. Men with slightly enlarged prostates have significant symptoms and these symptoms usually stabilize and improve over time. Some common signs and symptoms are: 

  1. Increased frequency of urination at night (nocturia)
  2. Difficulty in starting urination(strangulation)
  3. Weak urine stream 
  4. Dribbling at the end of urination
  5. Inability to empty the bladder
  6. Urinary tract infection
  7. Blood in the urine

Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is common cancer in men. About one in 10 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Like BPH, the risk for prostate cancer increases with age, and men over the age of 65 are commonly affected. The exact cause is unknown, but some risk factors associated with it:- 

  1. Family history:- a father or brother with prostate cancer 
  2. Race. African men are more likely to get prostate cancer.
  3. Smoking and diet also play a major role.


It is inflammation or an infection of the prostate mostly found in young and middle-aged men. Mostly 5% to 10% of men develop prostatitis in their lifetime. The symptoms of prostatitis include:-

  • Pain during urinating or ejaculating
  • Fever and chills
  • Pelvic pain
  • Needing to urinate more often
  • Cloudy urine

How to prevent prostate problems?

Prostate problems, especially BPH, are a natural part of growing older. But still, there are a few steps you should take to keep your prostate healthy.

  • A Balanced diet low in fat and high in protein may lower your risk of developing BPH. 
  • Experts say good hygiene, including keeping the penis clean will prevent any inflammation of the prostate.
  • Getting regular exercise to achieve a healthy weight can reduce inflammation and improve immune function
  • Avoiding smoke and alcohol is beneficial for health and prevents male genital cancer.
  • Regular yoga and exercise can help reduce inflammation in the prostate
  • Stay sexually active is actually beneficial as frequent ejaculation prevents prostate cancer and removes toxins.


Treatment depends on what kind of prostate problem you have.

Benign prostatic hyperplasianeeds treatment if the urinary problems are causing discomfort. Take necessary medication via consult with your doctor.

Prostate cancer treatment is difficult. Doctors consider several points while treating prostate cancer like a man’s age and health condition if it is benign or malignant, aggressive or widespread cancer. There are some treatment options include:

  • Surgery
  • Radiation 
  • Chemotherapy
  • Active surveillance

Prostatitisis usually a bacterial infection. Prostatitis is treated with antibiotics, usually for four weeks.

Understand your problem and get treated at the earliest.